Card System

Games06 Multigame Battlefield is an innovative, easy and fast wargame table generator system.

All greatest strategists know the battlefield is critic to the battle’s fate: GAMES06 proposal is alternative to the classic gaming table. In a few actions you’ll be able to generate many different and well-balanced scenarios.

This rulebook fits for 1:65 scale wargames, namely troop models of 28mm average height. GAMES06 system is easy to set: a squared gaming table, a card for each scenic elements and  some cards for the empty quadrants.

That’s all. Easy, does it?

The most common sizes of the gaming tables are: 36 “x 36”, 48 “x48”, 72 “x48”. Therefore, quadrants that make up the table will be 12 “x 12” / 30.5 x 30.5 cm.

Here follows the rulebook pages you can download

And the Cards for you custom table